Author: admin


According to our legislation no co-owner is obliged to live in community being able to request at any time the division. If the thing is divisible, there will be no problem, each one will be able to obtain what corresponds to him according to his participation quota. But if the thing is not divisible, or the co-owners agree that it be awarded to one, compensating the latter for theothers according to their respective quotas, or, it is sold and its price is shared. These, in summary and in broad strokes, are the options that the Civil Code foresees (arts. 400 y 404).

In everyday life we ​​find many examples of situations such as those described. Specifically, we will refer to that which occurs in the case of divorce in the regime of separation of property when the habitual residence has been acquired by both spouses. Let us imagine that they also do not have children and that they choose to take the procedure through the Court (they could have chosen to do it notarized) signing a regulatory agreement in which they will collect their personal and patrimonial relations, contemplating the extinction of the undivided property.

Before drafting the regulatory agreement, we must reflect on the tax consequences of the patrimonial decisions that are going to be adopted and reflected in it. In the case that I describe, since the home is undivided and, according to the solutions contemplated in the Civil Code, the spouses did not opt ​​for the sale to a third party, one of them kept the home, compensating the other financially in their participation fee. . When choosing this way of extinction of the undivided property, the assets of both spouses remain unchanged, due to the fact that the goods were already in their patrimony, in the case of a specification of ideal shares of co-ownership in a patrimonial element indivisible.

Having opted for the judicial route to collect the extinction of the condominium in an approved regulatory agreement, there would be no taxation for Documented Legal Acts since according to the Law of this tribute, arts. 27 y 28, will only be notarial, commercial and administrative documents, being subject to the deeds, acts and notarial testimonies, not finding ourselves, therefore, before any of these documents, would not be subject to this tax.

As I pointed out at the beginning, the extinction of the condominium does not imply a patrimonial transfer. This does not raise any doubts when the asset can be divided and each one gets their share, but it seems that when the asset is indivisible, this doubt reappears and can even lead the Tax Administration itself to try to tax the operation with the Income Tax. Asset Transfers, something that has recently happened to me. But as the 3rd Chamber of the Supreme Court in the basic Judgment on this matter, of June 28, 1999, in the case of the ITP, what is being determined is whether or not the taxable event has occurred, that is, a transfer in the event of division of an indivisible common thing with award to one of the condominium owners, a taxable event that does not occur because, as stated in that ruling, "there is no true transfer of assets, properly speaking, neither for civil purposes nor for tax purposes, but rather a mere concretion of a pre-existing abstract right." Therefore, it would not be taxed for this concept either, the taxable event of the tax does not occur.

As regards Personal Income Tax, the article 33.2 of the Tax Law understand that, "There is no alteration in the composition of the patrimony in the cases of division of common property, dissolution of community property, in the extinction of the matrimonial economic regime of participation and, in general, dissolution of communities or separation of community members”. With the previous Tax Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 2384/1981, of August 3, art. 79 stated that in these cases, "the goods and rights received by the taxpayer are incorporated into the patrimony for the same value for which the alienated or computed right would have been computed", so that if they were incorporated for the market value and not for the fiscally updated acquisition, it was understood that there had been an increase in assets that would have to be taxed in income, an increase that would be given by the difference between the fiscally updated value and the market value that was given to the property. However, the current Regulation (Royal Decree 439/2007, of March 30), does not provide anything in this regard, so I believe that it would not pay for this tax either (only in the event that it was awarded a value greater than its quota of participation), a conclusion reached by the Binding Consultation D.G.T. of November 4, 2013: “…the dissolution of the community of goods and the subsequent adjudication to each of the community members of their corresponding participation in the community does not constitute any alteration in the composition of their respective assets that could give rise to a capital gain or loss, as long as the adjudication corresponds to the respective share of ownership. Only in the event that assets or rights are attributed to one of the community members for a greater value than that corresponding to the share of ownership thereof, would there be a patrimonial alteration in the other community member, generating a patrimonial gain or loss. Consequently, based on the consideration that the property adjudication values ​​correspond to their market value and that the values ​​of the adjudication made correspond to the respective ownership quota, it is estimated that there would be no patrimonial alteration, otherwise in accordance with the provisions of article 33.2 of the Tax Law.” Again we have to conclude that it would not pay for this tax either.

Lastly, and as far as the Tax on Increased Value of Urban Land (Plusvalia) is concerned, taxation would not fit in the above case either, given that, by virtue of the provisions of Article art. 104 of the Law Regulating Local Treasuries, we are faced with a direct tax that is levied the increase in value that experience said lands and it becomes clear as a result of transfer of ownership of the lands by any title or of the constitution or transmission of any real right of enjoyment, limiting the domain, on the aforementioned lands. If, as we said, the division has a declarative and not a translational effect, because it does not attribute something that the community members did not have before and it does not produce any patrimonial benefit for them, since there is a proportional and equitable distribution of the assets existing in the community that is dissolved, respecting the participation quota that each one had, the subjection to the IIVTNU is not produced, a conclusion that is also reached by the Binding Consultation D.G.T. November 4, 2013 referred to above.

In short, the extinction of the condominium that the spouses have established over an indivisible asset, normally the habitual residence, judicially formalized by means of a regulatory agreement, DOES NOT TAX FOR ANY CONCEPT.

Esther Perez Escudero. Collegiate lawyer 1872 of ICAVIGO.


The Supreme Court has recently been denouncing a new fashionbank abuse. Financial entities that have required life insurance for the granting of mortgages, and, when a death occurs, "disregard the insurance" and activate the foreclosure due to non-payment, without waiting for the heirs to collect the insurance and service the mortgage .

These situations are difficult to tackle, with current legislation, unless the insurance is amortization, (the beneficiary is the bank itself), in which case, despite this, the entities follow the same policy.

For this reason, it is relevant to move quickly, and ask for the advice of your lawyer to avoid situations of abuse, difficult or more expensive solutions.


The Christmas gifts or Christmas baskets that the workers of a company receive pfor these holidays, are considered for tax purposes as income from work in kind.

If the company is in the habit of making this type of Christmas gifts to its employees, it will be a deductible expense in Corporate Tax, which in turn will entail income from work in kind for its employees and, therefore, the company will have to make the corresponding payment on account at the Treasury of the value of the basket or gift.

Likewise, the compensation offered by the company to its workers in substitution of the Christmas basket

ad tax as irregular performance.


When it comes to paying the Inheritance Tax, or the Patrimonial Transfer Tax, the autonomous estates do not take into account the crisis and the drop that the real estate market once gave, valuing the properties above the market value. This causes that in many occasions value verifications arrive with a complementary liquidation. To avoid that they charge us as if we had a higher price, we must promote the practice of contradictory expert appraisal.

Received the appraisal of the interested party if the difference with that of the Administration is equal to or less than 120,000 euros and 10% of the interested party, the value of the latter will be taken as a result.

In the event that the difference verified by our expert is greater than that indicated in the previous point, the Administration will proceed to appoint a third-party expert, who will be the one who definitively determines the value, and who will be chosen by lottery from the list provided. by the corresponding professional association.


The “slaming” is an illegal practice that consists of transferring users irregularly, without their being aware and without even giving their approval. It is a fraudulent contract in which the user suffers a change of company, generally very frequent in the field of telephony, without being aware of having accepted it. The victim finds out when they receive the bill or package.

The injured party undergoes a change of company without having accepted, even without being aware until the invoice or package arrives. Although this practice was quite focused on the field of telephony, Gállego & Builla is detecting an upturn in this illegal practice in the field of electricity with the rise of new companies.

FUNDAMENTAL!!! Do not fill out forms giving data, do not show invoices, do not sign documents that apparently are not contracts, do not sign anything. If you attend a commercial, do not provide any information, and if we are interested, ask for the information brochures, (without providing information or signing), and calmly analyze the offer to make a thoughtful and voluntary decision.

In a SLAMING situation, it is best to file a complaint with the consumer organization in your community, and return to your company. And where appropriate, also file a complaint with the Data Protection Agency.

This is an issue that people do not usually have when choosing this option. However, the Galician Law itself contemplates that in a notarial document it is possible, just as a marriage would do, to agree on what is of interest to the effect, whether it is a mere "separation of assets", or even go further and leave a forecast of its future situations and relationships in the event of a breakup.

El freserve fund is an obligation of imperative character that is established as a guarantee to favor the better development of the horizontal property institution, as noted by the Judgment of the Provincial Court of Madrid of January 15, 2007. [j 1] It is also about a measure that is applied alternative way or complementary to damage insurance or a permanent maintenance contract for the property and its general facilities, as can be deduced from the art. 9.1. f modified by the Law 8/2013, of June 26, on urban rehabilitation, regeneration and renewal from Law 49/1960, of July 21, on Horizontal Property (LPH).

Therefore, there are two purposes pursued by this legal obligation. Prevent that at any given time, a community is seen in economic trouble against a high delinquency, and provide it with a fund to face costly and urgent reforms in the building.

The constitution of the reserve fund must comply with the rules contained in the AD 1, art. 9.1.f) and Disp. Additional 1st LPH which are:

  • The reserve fund must be established in the time in which the Board of Owners approves

    the ordinary budget of the community, corresponding to the annual exercise immediately after the entry into force of this provision.

  • The imported of the reserve fund may not, in any case, be less than 5% of the last ordinary budget or, where appropriate, 2.5% if it is a question of constituting the reserve fund for the first time. In other words, the law only sets a minimum percentage limit, leaving the setting of the maximum to the decision of the Board of Owners to agree on the amount of the fund that it deems most appropriate to their interests.s.




  2. Express in the form the will to equate its effects to marriage.

Express in the form the will to equate its effects to marriage.

This is an issue that people do not usually have when choosing this option. However, the Galician Law itself contemplates that in a notarial document it is possible, just as a marriage would do, to agree on what is of interest to the effect, whether it is a mere "separation of assets", or even go further and leave a forecast of its future situations and relationships in the event of a breakup.

This is an issue that people do not usually have when choosing this option. However, the Galician Law itself contemplates that in a notarial document it is possible, just as a marriage would do, to agree on what is of interest to the effect, whether it is a mere "separation of assets", or even go further and leave a forecast of its future situations and relationships in the event of a breakup.

This is an issue that people do not usually have when choosing this option. However, the Galician Law itself contemplates that in a notarial document it is possible, just as a marriage would do, to agree on what is of interest to the effect, whether it is a mere "separation of assets", or even go further and leave a forecast of its future situations and relationships in the event of a breakup.

The Supreme Court declares that the protest to the banking entity for the inclusion of a clause of which the borrowers were not warned cannot be considered as a validation of the contract, nor does it prevent a declaration of nullity from being subsequently requested. Supreme Court No. 558/2017 Civil Chamber 10/16/2017


Law 6/2017, of October 24, on Urgent Self-Employment Reforms is published in today's BOE.


  1. Deductibility in Personal Income Tax of housing supply expenses partially affects the economic activity and maintenance expenses incurred in the development of the activity.

They will be considered a deductible expense for the determination of net income in direct estimation:

  1. a) health insurance premiums paid by the taxpayer in the part corresponding to his own coverage and that of his spouse and children under twenty-five years of age who live with him. The maximum deduction limit will be 500 euros for each of the persons indicated above or 1,500 euros for each of them with disabilities.
  2. b) In cases where the taxpayer partially affects his habitual residence to the development of the economic activity, the expenses of supplies of said house, such as water, gas, electricity, telephony and Internet, in the percentage resulting from applying 30 percent to the proportion existing between the square meters of the dwelling used for the activity with respect to its total area, unless a higher or lower percentage is proven.
  3. c) The maintenance expenses of the taxpayer himself incurred in the development of the economic activity, provided that they occur in catering and hotel establishments and are paid using any electronic means of payment, with the quantitative limits established by regulation for allowances and allowances for normal maintenance expenses of workers.

2. Bonus for conciliation of professional and family life linked to the hiring.

Workers included in the Special Regime of the Social Security for Self-Employed or Self-Employed Workers will have the right, for a period of up to twelve months, to a bonus of 100 percent of the self-employed quota for common contingencies, that results from applying to the average base that the worker had in the twelve months prior to the date on which he takes advantage of this measure, the minimum contribution rate in force at any time established in the aforementioned Special Regime in the following cases:

  1. a) For the care of children under twelve years of age under their care.
  2. b) Due to being in charge of a relative, by consanguinity or affinity up to the second degree inclusive, in a situation of dependency, duly accredited.
  3. c) For being in charge of a relative, by consanguinity or affinity up to the second degree inclusive, with cerebral palsy, mental illness or intellectual disability with a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent or a physical or sensory disability with a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 65 percent, when said disability is duly accredited, provided that said family member does not perform a paid activity.

For all those self-employed with parents with certain ailments, it would be convenient to process the dependency, not only for these advantages but for others that derive from it.


Nuestro derecho laboral permite que quien por razones de guarda legal tenga a su cuidado directo algún menor de doce años o una perso

na con discapacidad física, psíquica o sensorial, que no desempeñe una actividad retribuida, tendrá derecho a una reducción de la jornada de trabajo diaria, con la disminución proporcional del salario entre, al menos, un octavo y un máximo de la mitad de la duración de aquélla.

Es importante que la comunicación al empresario se haga de forma que quede constancia de la misma, en caso de negativa a firmar su recepción, desde Gállego & Builla aconsejamos la remisión de un burofax con certificado de texto y acuse de recibo.

Recordad que una vez el menor llege a los doce años se recupera la jornada habitual.

Durante el tiempo que dure la reducción el empresario no puede tomar ningún tipo de represalia, siendo el despido, caso de haberlo, nulo, lo que implica que solo cabe readmisión.